Listed as a historic monument in 1846
Church open every day (subject to funerals, weddings)
Among the most remarkable in northern Champagne and the only witness to the birth, development and then the decline of the County of Rethel, the Saint-Nicolas church was founded in the XNUMXth century.

Built on the site of a priory church, this new church is in the Gothic style, with a high nave and two side aisles (or aisles). After two centuries of struggle, the people of Rethel obtained, in 1317, the demolition of their uncomfortable aisle to replace it with a nave of the same dimensions as that of the monks: the church therefore has two large juxtaposed naves.

In 1531, a gate opening onto the city was built. In 1614, the construction of the enormous tower with 3 superimposed floors in the classical order (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) began to replace the old bell tower.

The Revolution and the two World Wars brought their share of mutilation and damage. The restorations carried out by the Historic Monuments will begin in 1941 and will not end until 1994.

Some Sunday afternoons, musical entertainment with the presence of an organist 
Virtual tours with izitravel 
We speak: French, English


  • Church


Activities on site

  • Guided tour
  • Individual guided tours
  • Unguided individual visits


4 Pl. Anatole France 2
08300 RETHEL
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