Église Saint-Martin

Classified as a Historic Monument in 1910.
The Saint Martin d'Amagne church is the only old building in the commune. The diversity of its architecture, the richness of its sculptures and its exterior and interior decorations make it a remarkable and unique monument, a true work of art.

Of this church belonging to different periods, the oldest part is the choir, whose capitals with leaves and hooks, the shaped arches bordering the arches of the windows, the two columns with rings receiving the fallout of warheads, date from the first gothic age.

The nave has a lightweight barrel vault. The aisles, whose warheads rest on emblazoned consoles or consoles with human figures, and the south eastern part are, like the nave, from the end of the XNUMXth century.

The western portal, in flamboyant style, is topped with a beautiful rose which lightens the high gable of the roof.
To the north of the choir is a Renaissance chapel with classical brackets and warheads, covered externally by a gabled roof (1556).

Furniture: three white marble and stucco altars around the choir. Funerary monument from 1628 against the south exterior wall.
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  • Church


2, Place Jean Moulin
08300 AMAGNE
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