The Ardennes have a Celtic soul. Jean-Luc Lemaire does not hesitate to put on the habit to remind him. Interview.

Why a druid in the Ardennes?

The Ardennes take their name from Arduinna, the Celtic goddess protector of the forest. Many toponyms recall our Celtic roots. During storytelling walks, I regularly don the druid's costume to embody Arduin' the Druid and tell stories or reenact ceremonies. Brogues (shoes), linen breeches, fibula, torque, gold sickle (in fact brass)… I take care of the details but all this remains educational and fun. I didn't name myself a druid, it came from the people I take for a walk.

On what occasion can we meet Arduin'?

There are eight pagan festivals that correspond to key moments in nature: the solstices (Arthan on December 21 and Efin on June 21), the equinoxes (Eiler on March 21 and Elfed on September 21) as well as four festivals marking the progression of light: La Samain (October 31), Imbolc (February 2), Beltaine (May 1) and Lugnasad (August 1). We try to recreate these ceremonies in all simplicity, always in connection with nature.

What remains of the Celtic soul today?

Some sites dedicated to the Celtic gods have retained their power: the Saint-Walfroy hermitage, place of worship of Arduinna, the Saint-Roger fountain in Elan where the crows fountain is still to be found, the Ruha fountain…. The stones, the springs, the paths and above all our deep, dark and mysterious forest. It carries its flood of stories and legendary characters: the enchanter Maugis, the Four Aymon sons, the Bayard Horse… The Ardennes massif is a magical land.

Jean-Luc and Claudie Lemaire

Graduates of the French Hiking Federation, Jean-Luc and Claudie (sometimes joined by Arduin' le Druide) guide you for long walks from 1h30 to 2 hours.

Be careful, sometimes it goes up. Good shoes essential and animals on a leash.

To download the program HERE

Article taken from the magazine of the Tourist Development Agency "Ardennes Inspirations" and recomposed for the web.

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