Find on this page the definitions of the technical terms used in the report on digital communication actions 2023.

  • CTA (for Call To Action): practice which aims to encourage an Internet user to click on a button, a hyperlink or an image to go to a destination page.
  • Impression : an impression is a term used to refer to a display of an advertising element as part of an Internet advertising campaign.
    The term printing of English origin is used in the context of advertising but also in that of sponsored links.
  • CTR (for Click Through Rate = Click rate): relationship between the number of clicks obtained on a page or on a CTA in an email and the number of impressions (number of pages viewed on a web page or opening of the email). A CTR allows you to measure the effectiveness of a campaign and the keywords chosen.
  • Preview: preview of a short video before viewing the expected content.
  • SEO (or Search Engine Optimization): refers to the techniques used to optimize the pages of a website in order to improve its positioning in the natural results of search engines. SEO relies on on-page and off-page actions. SEO also translates into natural referencing.
  • SEA (or Search Engine Advertising): literally means search engine advertising. It corresponds to the purchase of commercial or advertising links on the engines, which is carried out through auctions targeting specific queries using keywords relevant to a business. The objective: to acquire additional traffic on a site.
  • Influencer: term which names Internet users with notoriety on a specific subject on the web and on social networks. They can be paid in exchange for publishing recommendations on a product or service. They constitute a relay of opinion among consumers and allow brands to increase their notoriety and visibility.
  • Story: a very short format video or an image published on a social network and visible for a limited period (24 hours).
  • Instagram feed: sometimes called a feed, grid or photo gallery, it refers to the sequence of photos published on an Instagram account.

BDM Source and Marketing Definitions

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