Whether to warm up or cool down, beer is the Ardennes drink par excellence. Brewed for centuries by monks (the first written record dates from the 12th century at the abbey of Laval-Dieu de Monthermé), the production of this local beverage is now ensured by a dozen craft breweries and micro-breweries.

Some cuvées are to be discovered on all the terraces of cafés and restaurants (L'Oubliette, la Cuvée d'Arthur, l'Ardwen); others more confidential are distributed in short circuit to discover at the bend of a grocery store or an establishment which will have its own beer or even during festive events (brotherhood festival ou the Cabaret Vert festival particular).

To drink all the colors of the French and Belgian Ardennes (but always in moderation of course), the beer festivals are essential moments: meet every year in Charleville-Mézières place Ducale (1st weekend in June) or in Sedan.

Do you want to learn more about this beverage, taste and understand the work of the brewer?

Then don't miss the annual Sault-les-Rethel craft beer festival or the Arden Brew Fest, International Festival of Craft Breweries. Organized since its creation at Clos Belle Rose in Haybes, it relocated for the first time to Flize in 2022.

Find all the dates in our calendar.

Who brews beer in the Ardennes?

De Malt and Ô in Charleville-Mézières; Ardwen in Launois-sur-Vence; Brasserie d'Arthur in Warcq; the Charlier et Fils brewery and distillery in Warcq; the Sedan Brewery; Brasserie 90 in Sedan; To Sedan gourmets in Sedan; the Yvois brewery in Carignan; the Ludanne brewery in Villers-devant-le-Thour; the Elmontaise brewery in Aiglemont; the Margoulette brewery in Bergnicourt; the Clos Belle Rose in Haybes; the brasserie les Coulous in Messincourt.

Some terroirs also offer their own beer, created according to a recent local recipe such as Rocroy beer or in the monastic tradition such as Abbaye-de-Signy in Signy-l'Abbaye.

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