Marché de Noël

Bastion du Dauphin 08230 ROCROI
Many exhibitors. For 2 days and visit of Santa Claus
Saturday the  Dolphin Bastion opens its doors from 14h until 22 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m. Refreshment bar and snacks in the Bastion du Dauphin.
Santa Claus will come around 15 p.m., candy will be distributed at 16 p.m. Christmas parade with Danse Addict
Free admission. 


  • Craft entreprises
  • Gastronomy
  • Market
  • Christmas

Admission fees

Payment methods

  • French bank and postal checks
  • Cash

Access map


Bastion du Dauphin
08230 ROCROI
How do I get there?

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