BAZEILLES, Ville Fleurie "3 Fleurs"
Bazeilles is a village of 2188 inhabitants known as Bazeillais and is located 3km from Sedan.
The main rivers which cross the commune are: La Givonne, La Chiers and La Meuse.
Generals GALLENI, DEVASSOIGNE, MAC MAHON and LEBRUN have marked the history of the village.
To see in passing:
Monument of the Marine Troops erected following the fighting of August 30, 1870.
Franco-German Ossuary.
The main rivers which cross the commune are: La Givonne, La Chiers and La Meuse.
Generals GALLENI, DEVASSOIGNE, MAC MAHON and LEBRUN have marked the history of the village.
To see in passing:
Monument of the Marine Troops erected following the fighting of August 30, 1870.
Franco-German Ossuary.
We speak French
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