Among the innumerable paths that lead to Santiago de Compostela, pilgrims from Northern and Eastern Europe can choose the ancient Via Campaniensis (way from Champagne) or GR 654. This path connects Namur (Belgium) to Vézelay, passing through the Ardennes.
Close to Hierges
Before truly arriving in the French Ardennes, walkers follow the border through Doisches, Vaucelles, Mazée. After Doisches, the route makes a very slight incursion into the Ardennes territory at Hierges, next to the castle. Then, the pilgrims pass near Vireux-Wallerand where the Val d'Ardenne Tourist Office is located. They will be able to collect information on accommodation and places to eat in the surrounding towns.
From Gué d'Hossus to Asfeld
From Gué d'Hossus, the Way of Saint Jacques de Compostela truly enters the Ardennes. It crosses the department to Asfeld in the south. Before reaching Reims in the Marne, the GR 654 passes through the towns of Rocroi, Signy-l'Abbaye and Château-Porcien. Walkers will be able to find shops and restaurants in these three towns. From Gué d'Hossus to Reims, the route is approximately 120 km long.
On the Chemin de Saint-Jacques, from the plateau of Rocroi to the plains of Porcien, a beautiful mosaic of landscapes through fields and forests accompanies the footsteps of walkers. A peaceful environment conducive to contemplation
In the Ardennes, the association Randonneurs et Pèlerins 08 (RP08) is a member of the French Federation of Associations of the Ways of Compostela.