Église Saint-Rémy

Registered as a Historic Monument in 1926 and classified in 1942
Church of the 1918th-XNUMXth centuries, partially rebuilt in XNUMX, is only distinguished by its choir and its transept which belong to the first Gothic age. 

The whole is vaulted on ribbed vaults. In the arms of the transept, the ribbed vaults rest on consoles equipped with hooked capitals. The transept crossing is remarkable for its width and for the profile of the large arches, of excellent proportions.
The ribs fall on piers in a bundle with classic hooked capitals. The choir is seven-sided. The interior windows have barely broken arches. The penetrations are illuminated by oculi and their ogives are supported on ringed columns.
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  • Church


1, Rue Achille Monceau
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