Open from April to September
At the heart of a devastating Thirty War, France was weakened by the successive deaths of Richelieu and Louis XIII. The governor, Francisco de Mélo, successor to the Cardinal Infant, then nourished the idea of ​​heading towards Paris via Champagne, taking Rocroy. Learning of the movement of the Spanish troops, the young Duke of Enghien (Future Grand Condé) gathers his troops to rescue the small stronghold. The troops take up position at Sévigny le Forêt, a total of 50 men for a bloody battle lasting a few hours. 
The museum, located in a former 17th century guardhouse, traces the victory of Grand Condé over the Spaniards on May 19, 1643, at the heart of a Thirty Years' War which opened the reign of the Sun King. A museography tells you the story of the Battle and the movement of the troops. 
Two rooms upstairs, one of which has a model of 2 lead soldiers representing part of the army present during the battle. To discover the architecture of Rocroy, a relief map is displayed. Visits are free or guided, reservations are possible for groups.

April to September (except July/August): Wednesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 14 p.m. to 18 p.m.

July and August: Wednesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 14 p.m. to 18 p.m.

Possibility for groups to contact the Tourist Office outside this period.


  • Story
  • Military
  • Middle Ages


Minimum group size: 15 people
Minimum group size: 50 people


Suitable for: All audiences

Admission fees

Admission feesMin.Max.
Other experience
3,50 €-
Other experience
3 €-
Other experience
1,50 €-
Other experience
3 €-
Other experience
1,50 €-
Other experience
3,15 €-
Other experience
4 €-

Payment methods

  • checks
  • French bank and postal checks
  • Cash



  • Auditorium
  • Boutiques
  • Parking
  • Coach parking


  • Camera allowed


  • Drinking water point
  • Disabled toilets

Activities on site

  • Group entertainment
  • Guided tour
  • Guided group tours
  • Unguided individual visits


Place du Luxembourg
08230 ROCROI
How do I get there?

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